
Saturday 14 January 2012

Review + How Tos - Sweetie Pie Shower Jelly

images from and google images

 Wibble wobble ! I wasn’t sure what to make of lush’s shower jelly but I know they are super fun and a real treat.this is my second shower jelly after purchasing whoosh and I do love the scent of whoosh and its invigorating and uplifting aspect but sweetie pie kicks its jelly butt. If  you like all things glittery and girly well sweetie pie  is just that , smelling very much like Ribena and with lovely pink iridescent glitter to make it extra special.Sweetie pie contains heaps of coconut and cherries which give it the most addictive scent i found my self opening the pot on the train home after purchasing it just to get my fix. I also read that is could be used on your hair i haven't used it on my hair yet but love the idea :p

 When using sweetie pie I was a little surprised at the amount of bubbles it produced and how little I needed, it as so bubbly no word of a lie it looked like I was standing in snow J . The scent stayed on my skin for hours , and I always feel I get my moneys worth when a scent stays on the skin for a long period . Not only did it make my smell great my skin was nice and soft afterwards because of the carrageen sea weed and i have done my research and is used for its skin moisturising qualities , yaaay !!!! The only fault I can say about sweetie pie is the fact it has the tendency to slither down the plug hole , so hold on too your jelly tight to avoid disappointment :)

 Confused about how to use a jelly in the shower ? 

1. Break a small piece and i mean a small piece ,the size of your finger nail, a little goes a long way .

2. Grab your sponge etc and just lather it up until it dissolves and rub all over simple.

Here's a few tricks of the trade to making your jelly last.

  • Freezing the jelly makes it last as it doesn't melt away at all
  • Storing in the fridge is useful and what i personally do as it again stops it from melting away .
  • Cutting it up in small pieces is very convenient its not easy trying to rip jelly when u have soap in your eyes :P 
lush kisses xx

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